Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pattern 2, Strip 2

Finished the first strip of this next pattern in the strips last night while friends were over.  One thing I love about my friends is that they know that I can hold a conversation, play a roleplaying game, and knit or crochet all at the same time.  It's called multitasking!  This strip is pretty much the same as the first, no differences from the other pattern either except for the placement in colors.  That means it's basically a mindless repeat, which is fine.  The real thinking will come in with the duplicate stitching.

So, here's the second strip.  All in all, about 115 rows were done yesterday between the first strip and this one.  It's coming along very nicely, and hopefully I will have this strip done today so that I can get to work on the last pattern, which has 4 strips in it.

I'm definately going to get this done in time.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pattern 2, Strip 1

I worked on my afghan last night and got mostly done with this strip.  I should have the strip done by today, at least, and move on to the next one.  I only have one more strip to do in this pattern before I move on to Pattern 3, which has 4 strips in it.  Once I finish the strips, then I have to go back and do some duplicate stitching before I can sew everything together and start on the border.

Before the questions start coming in, no, this really is done in crochet.  This technique is called the Tunisian Knit Stitch, and it makes the fabric look like it's been knitted instead of crocheted.  It makes for a softer, thicker fabric than if it was just knitted, and it uses the same basic technique as Tunisian Crochet.  If people ask for it, I might put a tutorial on here for those who are interested.

I didn't get a whole lot done, only about 25 lines, but I didn't have a lot of time, either.  All of the lilac and the starting line of royal purple is what I got done yesterday. 

Friday, September 28, 2012


So this is the other thing that I do in my spare time besides work.  My crocheting is very important to me, and I've gotten pretty good at it in the two years that I've been doing it.  I mostly crochet for other people, though I knit as well.  I just don't like to do it as much.  I guess it's just because I'm not as good at it yet, but I'm working on it.

So this post is mostly about what I am doing right now.  I'm working on three blankets, all for friends.  One of them is supposed to be an anniversary present, which I only have about a month to finish.  I'm about a third of the way done with it, but I'm not too worried about it.  It's in Tunisian, which I go really fast at, so I should be done with it by the time that their anniversary rolls around.  I will post pictures of where I am with it at the end of the day, when I stop.  I'm hoping to have the next part of it done today so that I can get the new set of strips started tomorrow.  Once I am done with the blanket, then I will post the link to the pattern and start talking about the next project.

So, anyone else crocheting or knitting?